Lexi {Senior 2014}

It was such a joy to photograph Lexi’s senior photos! Believe it or not, I was Lexi’s next door babysitter for most of my middle and high school years. She has grown into such a beautiful and talented young lady. It was truly a great honor to photograph this milestone in her life! Good luck in your senior year Lex! You will do amazing things, I know it 🙂ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

Justin: Class of 2011

A few years back I had the privilege of taking senior pictures for a student named Brandon. His brother is a student in the class of 2010, and I was able to take his senior photos as well! It was so fun to look back at Brandon’s photos and see the similarities and differences between the brothers. Good luck with your senior year Justin!

Carrell Family

My husband, daughter and I went to Utah in July. We went to spend time with family and the biggest blessing of the trip was My daughter getting to meet her Great Grandma and Great GREAT Grandma! We were able to capture the 5 generations in one photograph! While we were there I also had the privilege of photographing my cousins Senior photos as well as family photos for my aunt’s whole family, we had such a good time and so enjoyed every moment of the trip!

Grandma, Me, Mackenna, Great GREAT Grandma and Great Gramdma!